Welcome to EDG!
We study the design of robots for real-world grasping and dexterous manipulation. Our specialty is the application of morphological computation to handle complex, sometimes adversarial, contact conditions in unstructured environments. This experimental research lab is a part of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley.
[Congratulations!] February: Article on assistive dorsal grasping spotlighted in CoE Press Article
[Presentation] February: EDG hosts lab tours for Lawrence Hall of Science high school students
[Publication] January: IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering article published on the dorsal grasper
[Publication] January: Collaborative paper on Launchable lunar anchors published in AIAA SCITECH
[Presentation] November: Franklin Ho and Ahale Akhavan present posters at the ASME IMECE conference
[Publication] October: Sebastian Lee presents paper on contour following with tactile sensing at IROS
[Presentation] October: EDG hosts a booth at the BORP Adaptive Sports Expo in the City of Berkeley
[Presentation] September: Prof. Stuart gives seminar at the University of Californiat at Irving
[Presentation] September: Prof. Stuart gives seminar at the Berkeley Sensors and Actuators Center
[Presentation] September: Prof. Stuart presents invited talk at the Laboratory for Genomics Research (LGR)
[Presentation] August: EDG hosts a booth at the DSP Orientation and Resource Fair on campus
[Publication] July: Paper led by Erin Chang published with EMBC proceedings
[Publication] July: Paper led by Drew McPherson published with EMBC proceedings
[Publication] June: Prof. Stuart presents published work in the American Society of Engineering Education in Portland, OR
[Presentation] June: EDG lab tour for the Lawrence Hall of Science Berkeley Summer program
[Presentation] June: Andrew Galassi presents Robotic Ice Anchoring at the International Planetary Probe Workshop
[Presentation] May: PI Hannah Stuart presents at the HKCLR symposium.
[Congratulations!] May: PhD student Michael Abbott completes degree and PhD student Sebastian Lee get’s hooded.
[Congratulations!] May: MEng Team mentored by Jungpyo Lee and Drew McPherson wins the Fung Institute Capstone Technical Leadership Award (members: Jessica Boetticher, Adam Duong, Benjamin Margolis, Panos Pardalidis).
[Presentation] May: Two new ICRA papers presented by undergraduate researcher Stanley Wang and PI Hannah Stuart in Yokohama, Japan. Both also present work at the Unconventional Robots workshop.
[Publication] May: RA-L paper Fast in-hand slip control on unfeatured objects with programmable tactile sensing released on Early Access
[Presentation] May: PI Hannah Stuart visits and presents at TUHH, EPFL, ETH Zurich, IIT in Genoa, and the JOiiNT lab.
[Congratulations!] April: TRO article Haptic search with the smart suction cup on adversarial object spotlighted article in Science Robotics’ “Editor’s Choice”: https://doi.org/10.1126/scirobotics.adp8528
[Presentation] April: PhD students Jadesola Aderibigbe, Sebastian Lee, and Jungpyo Lee present work at the IEEE RoboSoft conference as Late Breaking Results.
[Presentation] April: PhD students Michael Abbott and Wilson Torres present projects at the Haptics Symposium as Work in Progress.
[Presentation] April: PI Hannah Stuart visits and presents at TUHH and LIRMM.
[Congratulations!] April: PhD student Amber Young selected for the NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunity award.
[Presentation] March: PhD student Amber Young presents work at the American Physical Society session Robophysics III.
[Presentation] March: PI Hannah Stuart presents at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems IntCDC Cluster of Excellence, and starts her sabbatical as a Visiting Professor with this group.
[Presentation] January: PhD student Sebastian Lee presents work at the Society of Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting.
[Presentation] January: PI Hannah Stuart presents at the Stanford Robotics and Autonomous Systems Seminar
[Presentation] January: PI Hannah Stuart presents a poster at the Gordon Research Conference on Robotics.
[Congratulations!] January: PhD student Amber Young starts her Google BiR research
[Publication] November: TRO article early access released for “Haptic search with the smart suction cup on adversarial object.”
[Publication] October: Wilson Torres, et al. paper “Skin sensitivity assessment using smartphone haptic feedback” appears in IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology.
[Publication] October: Erin Chang, et al. paper “Modulating wrist-hand kinematics in motorized assisted grasping with C5-6 spinal cord injury” published in IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics & Bionics.
[Presentation] October: Monica, Sebastian, Jungpyo, and Hannah all present work at IROS 2023.
[Publication] October: “Self-care selfies” published in Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology — collaboration with UCSF.
[Publication] September: Jungpyo Lee, Sebastian Lee, et al. release ArXiv article “Haptic search with the smart suction cup on adversarial object.”
[Congratulations!] September: Sareum Kim graduates with her PhD, and is off to a postdoctoral position.
[Publication] August: Cyndia Cao, et al. paper on “Increasing travel velocity in loose regolith via induced wheel slip” release with Journal of Terramechanics.
[Congratulations!] August: Monica Li completed her PhD degree, and is off to a new postdoc position at Yale.
[Publication] August: Wilson Torres, et al. ECBIOS paper on how “Tap and swipe smartphone gestures indicate hand tremor and finger joint motion” published on IEEE Xplore.
[Presentation] August: Hannah presents NASA ECF work at JPL.
[Publication] August: Sareum Kim, et al. paper on “burrowing with anisotropic origami feet” released with Frontiers in Robotics and AI.
[Congratulations!] July: Laura Treers completed her PhD degree, and is off to a new postdoc position at GaTech (followed by a faculty position at U of Vermont). Spotlight profile of Laura by “Voices of Berkeley Engineering.”
[Publication] July: Michael Abbott, et al. paper on the “force-motion tradeoff in body-powered transmission design” published with IEEE T-NSRE on Xplore.
[Publication] July: Monica Li, et al. paper on “AcousTac: Tactile sensing with pneumatic-driven acoustic resonance” released on ArXiv.
[Presentation] June: Monica, Justin, Stanley, and Hannah present at ICRA 2023.
[Publication] June: Drew McPherson, et al. paper introducing a “wearable testbed for studying varialbe transmissions in body-powered prosthetic gripping” accepted to ICORR.
[Congratulations!] May: Cyndia Cao completed her PhD degree.
[Congratulations!] May: Justin Page completed his MS degree, and is off to a new position at NASA JPL.
[Congratulations!] May: EDG receives the NSF CAREER Award for the project CAREER: Robotic Augmentation of Human Reflexes and Reach through Collaborative Grasping
[Publication] May: Tay Myung Huh, et al. work on “Walk-Burrow-Tug: Legged anchoring analysis using RFT-based granular limit surfaces” published on IEEE RAL on Xplore.
[Publication] April: Michael Abbott, et al. paper on “Characterizing the force-motion tradeoff in body-powered transmission design” preprinted at TechRXiv.
[Congratulations!] April: Incoming graduate student Andrew Galassi awarded the NASA Space Technology Graduate Research Opportunity.
[Presentation] March: Laura Treers and Hannah Stuart present work at the American Physical Society Annual Meeting in the Session Robophysics: Robotics Meets Physics (DBIO, DSOFT).
[Congratulations!] March: Hannah Stuart becomes a Senior Member of IEEE.
[Publication] February: W.T. Yang, et al. work on mechanical modeling and optimal model-based design of a soft pneumatic actuator accepted for publication/presentation at IEEE RoboSoft.
[Presentation] February: Prof. Hannah Stuart moderated the event “Biologically-inspired soft robots for environmental sustainability” for the AI for Good (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals).
[Publication] January: Stanley Wang, et al. work on bioinspired tearing manipulation with a robotic fish accepted for publication/presentation at IEEE ICRA.
[Publication] January: Justin Page*, Laura Treers*, et al. work on tether friction in non-idealized terrains published on IEEE Explore.
[Press] October: EMBUR showcased on IEEE Spectrum “Friday Video.”
[Press] October: College of Engineering Press Release on EMBUR
[Publication] October: Laura and Prof. Stuart publish work on a mole-crab inspired robot, EMBUR, with co-authors Ben McInroe and Prof. Bob Full.
[Presentation] September: Prof. Stuart presents work at University of Maryland Robotics Center (recorded)
[Publication] August: Justin Page*, Laura Treers*, et al. publish preprint on harnessing tether friction for strong manipulations in non-idealized natural terrains.
[Presentation] August: Andrew McPherson and Prof. Stuart present work in workshops at BioRob 2022. Prof. Stuart also presents work at a seminar in Seoul National University.
[Publication] August: Wilson Torres, et al. publish preprint on a smartphone enabled vibration perception threshold diagnostic, with correlation with a clinical measure (monofilament score).
[Presentation] August: Prof. Stuart presents work at a seminar at UCLA.
[Update] August: The lab now has a drill press!
[Publication] July: Monica Li, et al. publish on a “singing” tactile sensor for soft hands in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.
[Congratulations!] June: Andrew McPherson awarded the Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fellowship
[Presentation] May: Erin Chang presents new work at ICRA Tenodesis Grasp Emulator: Kinematic Assessment of Wrist-Driven Orthotic Control
[CFP] April: Upcoming workshop at RSS in July The Science of Bumping into Things: Towards Robots that Aren’t Afraid of Contact (speaker and poster participation available)
[Congratulations!] April: Justin Page wins the National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
[Update] March: Motion capture installed in EDG for upper-body human subject studies
[Congratulations!] February: Prof. Stuart receives an Inclusive Excellence Champion Award with the College of Engineering
[Press] January: Berkeley News spotlights EDG’s work on assisted grasping and robot teamwork in space with the title “Robots are helping us overcome challenges” in the article “Reasons to be hopeful… in 2022.”
[Publication] January: The code developed in the 2021 3D Granular Resistive Force Theory work is now published Open-Source on GitHub.
[Publication] November: new article on the Tenodesis Grasp Emulator released on arXiv.
[Congratulations!] November: Jadesola Aderibigbe wins the Henry Lurie Family Fellowship.
[Presentation] October: Prof. Stuart, Tae Myung Huh and Jungpyo Lee present at the Bay Area Robotics Symposium.
[Presentation] October: Tae Myung Huh present smart suction cup work at IROS 2021.
[Congratulations!] February: Prof. Stuart receives the Don M. Cunningham Endowed Professorship
[Presentation] June: Prof. Stuart gives a seminar with the NASA Johnson Space Center on recent work on granular media.
[Congratulations!] June: Wilson Torres wins the H2H8 Association Graduate Research Grant.
[Presentation] June: Jungpyo Lee, Laura Treers and Michael Abbott each present separate papers (grasping with the back of the hand, 3D Granular RFT, and body-powered grasp kinesthetics respectively) at ICRA 2021.
[Publication] May: new article on a smart tactile-sensing vacuum gripper released on arXiv.
[Grant] May: Prof. Stuart initiates a project with the InnoHK Centre for Logistics Robotics
[Congratulations!] April: Cyndia Cao wins the 2021 ASCE Earth & Space Conference Best Student Paper Competition
[Grant] February: Prof. Stuart receives the Johnson & Johnson Women in STEM2D grant.
[Publication] February: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters article on 3D granular RFT modelling. To be presented at IEEE ICRA 2021.
[Presentation] January: Juan Romero and Sebastian Lee present work at the 2021 Society of Integrative & Comparative Biology (SICB) Annual Meeting
[Presentation] January: Michael Abbott presents work at the 3rd Annual NorCal Controls Workshop
[Presentation] November: Bay Area Robotics Symposium
[Publication] September: The Open Source Ocean One Hand design files published Junlong Li on lab Github page
[Grant] August: Prof. Stuart receives the NASA Early Career Faculty grant.
[Presentation] July: Drew McPherson presents work at IEEE EMBS 2020
[Publication] June: IEEE Robotics and Automations Letters article on the design of skin for grasping with lubricated contact. Monica Li presents the work at IEEE ICRA 2020.
[Grant] June: Prof. Stuart selected for the Hellman Fellows Fund grant.
[Presentation] May: Michael Abbott and Philippe Nadeau present work at IEEE ICRA 2020
[Congratulations!] April: Juan Romero wins the National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
[Congratulations!] April: Wilson Torres wins the McMurtry Fellowship, and the Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor award
[Update] March: Shelter-in-place takes effect due to COVID-19 pandemic
[Field test] March: Monica Li, Mohammad Kamil Shams and Prof. Hannah Stuart perform field tests in Moorea, French Polynesia in collaboration with CRIOBE and Prof. Vincent Crueze
[Presentation] January: Laura Treers presents work at the 2020 Society of Integrative & Comparative Biology (SICB) Annual Meeting in Austin, TX
[Publication] January: Review article on Hands in the Real World
[Presentation] November: Juan Romero and Prof. Hannah Stuart present research in Macau. Prof. Stuart co-hosts two workshops at IROS 2019.
[Presentation] November: Bay Area Robotics Symposium
[Press] October: Prof. Hannah Stuart interviewed for the an article for kids on jellyfish grasper work
[Presentation] October: Prof. Hannah Stuart presents work at the IEEE HUMANOIDS conference in Toronto, Canada
[Presentation] July: Prof. Vincent Crueze of LIRMM gives a Seminar Talk, hosted by EDG
[CFP] June: Call for Participation — Automation in Construction full day workshop at IROS 2019
[CFP] June: Call for Participation — Marine Bio-inspired Soft Robotics full day workshop at IROS 2019
[Presentation] June: Prof. Hannah Stuart presents work at IEEE OCEANS 2019 conference in Marseilles, France
[Presentation] June: Jessica Leu presents work at the IEEE EMBS conference
[Presentation] May: Laura Treers presents work at the NSF Bioinspired Geotechnics Workshop in Monterrey, CA
[Grant] April: Prof. Stuart (Berkeley) and Prof. Wainwright (Davis) selected for the CITRIS People and Robots seed grant.
[Congratulations!] April: Michael Abbott wins the National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
[Congratulations!] April: Laura Treers wins the DoD National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
[Congratulations!] April: Monica Li wins the NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship
[Publication] February: ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics article on Spinyhand
[Press] January: Prof. Hannah Stuart interviewed for an article in the Marin Independent Journal on coral sampling technology
[Presentation] November: Monica Li and Prof. Hannah Stuart present at the Bay Area Robotics Symposium
[Publication] November: IEEE Transactions on Robotics article on fingertip suction flow for underwater hands
[CFP] October: Call for Participation — Submit to Frontiers in Robotics and AI special topic “Hands in the Real World”
[CPF] June: Call for Participation — Hands in the Real World full day workshop at IROS 2018
[Presentation] June: Prof. Stuart presents work at the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab
[Update] April: UR-10 robot arm arrives in lab